Simplifying the Second Petition

Please explain the meaning of the words in the Lord's Prayer that say "Thy kingdom come" so younger children will have an understanding of it. Thank you!

Allow me to pass along this meaning from The Simplified Catechism.

“Your kingdom come.

This Means

God’s kingdom is all the people who believe that Jesus died to save them.

God puts people in his kingdom even when we don’t pray.

God wants us to pray that we will always believe in Jesus and that many other people will believe in Jesus.

How does God’s kingdom come?

God uses his Word, the Bible, to give us his Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit puts faith in our hearts to believe God’s Word and do what it says.”

The Simplified Catechism is available from Northwestern Publishing House.

If you want another version, it could go something like this: “Lord, you made me a part of your kingdom and family even when I did not ask for that. You brought me into your family through the work of the Holy Spirit. He opened my eyes to see and believe that Jesus lived and died in my place. Through the word of God, keep me in your kingdom, help me live for you, and bring many more people into your kingdom.”