Officiate at wedding

My son has been asked to perform the wedding for a friend of his. As it is popular to acquire a certificate online to legally become "ordained" to do this, our question is where does the synod stand regarding this? Is it acceptable for him to do this for his friend? Thank you.

There is no official synodical position to which I can point you regarding this.

Since governments regulate marriage, governments also stipulate who can—as agents of the government—officiate at weddings. Regulations vary from state to state. Ordination is not always a requirement. Be aware that online ordination is often a caricature of what ordination into the public ministry really is.

If your son were to take the place of an ordained pastor in officiating at the wedding of his friend, I wonder who would provide biblical pre-marital counseling for the prospective bride and groom. That counseling is so very important. Perhaps your pastor can provide guidance in this matter.