Global warming

I've asked this question twice in the past with disappointing responses. Why doesn't WELS have an official statement regarding "Global Warming"? The same scientists who tells us that global warming is destroying the earth also tell us that the world is billions of years old, the universe was created by the "big bang,” and that all life on earth evolved from a single celled organism from a puddle of mud. That's not what we as WELS Christians believe or confess in the Apostles' or Nicene Creed. So why are you so afraid to take a stance regarding "global warming"? I was taught and believe that God controls everything, including all of the weather...good, bad and otherwise. Didn't God question Job and ask him if he knew where the storehouses were for the thunder and lightning, rain and snow? I don't think God said that he reserves the hail for times of trouble, unless "global warming" interrupts his plans. Does the WELS support the doctrine of man-made global warming?

I am sorry, but you may be disappointed with this response as well. A “doctrine of man-made global warming” is not a biblical doctrine. The subject matter is not one that Scripture addresses.

The Bible does speak of disasters (for example, Matthew 24:7), and there are passages that speak in a general way about our stewardship of God’s creation (Genesis 1 and 2). Since the Bible does not address the subject matter of your question, you will not find a statement from WELS regarding it.

When there are biblical doctrines involved, you will find official statements of our church body in the “Doctrinal Statements” section of this website.