Ecumenical councils

How many Ecumenical Councils are recognized by Lutherans? Historically I think there are seven, however, so far I can only say I understand the doctrinal issues debated and clarified in the first four. 1st Council of Nicaea (325 – Arian Heresy). 1st Council of Constantinople (381 – rejected Apollinarianism; confirmed Divinity of the Trinity; re-affirmed Nicene Creed). Council of Ephesus (431 – rejected Nestorianism & Pelagianism; re-affirmed Nicene Creed). Council of Chalcedon (451 – Affirms Christ is fully God and fully human; Rome and Constantinople Patriarchs are equal). Trying to figure out if the 2nd Council of Constantinople (553), the 3rd Council of Constantinople (680), and the 2nd Council of Nicaea (787) are recognized Lutherans as Ecumenical.

The Second Council of Constantinople (553) affirmed previous creeds and condemned heresies that were plaguing the church at that time.

The Third Council of Constantinople (680) addressed the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ and his will.

The Second Council of Nicea (787) addressed the veneration of objects.

If you are interested in reading more about these councils, there are a couple of articles I can recommend. This first link will take you to “The Seven Ecumenical Councils.” This second link will enable you to read “The Christology of the Seven Ecumenical Councils.” The articles will also explain what “ecumenical” meant then and now.