Decision theology

What is the WELS position on decision theology?

In This We Believe, a statement of belief of our church body, you will find this confession: ā€œWe believe that people cannot produce this justifying faith, or trust, in their own hearts, because ā€˜the man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to himā€™ (1 Corinthians 2:14). In fact, ā€˜the sinful mind is hostile to Godā€™ (Romans 8:7). It is the Holy Spirit who gives people faith to recognize that ā€˜Jesus is Lordā€™ (1 Corinthians 12:3). The Holy Spirit works this faith by means of the gospel (Romans 10:17). We believe, therefore, that a personā€™s conversion is entirely the work of Godā€™s grace. Rejection of the gospel is, however, entirely the unbelieverā€™s own fault (Matthew 23:37).ā€

Decision theology is not a teaching of the Bible.