Addressing transgender issues

What can I say to younger children about transgender issues?

A simple message to children could go along these lines: God’s creation was initially perfect (Genesis 1:31). That included people—the crown of his creation. God created man and woman. God blessed Adam and Eve and gave them the ability to have children: boys and girls. The entrance of sin into the world greatly affected people and the world in which they live. People were no longer perfect, people no longer had a perfect relationship with God and with one another, and people encountered problems in life. One of the problems of sin is that people can become confused about who they are or dissatisfied with who they are. All sin needs to be identified, recognized and confessed. The wonderful message of the Bible is that God does not turn away broken people (Matthew 12:20). Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins (Luke 19:10). When people confess their sins to God, he freely forgives (1 John 1:9).

In your conversations on this topic with younger people, keep the focus on sin and grace—and the help for all problems that people can obtain from God. Such conversations also provide opportunities to encourage children to pray for others. God bless your conversations!