Lord When Your Glory I Shall See – Women’s Devotion
Lord, when your glory I shall see And taste your kingdom’s pleasure,
Your blood my royal robe shall be, My joy beyond all measure!
When I appear before your throne, Your righteousness shall be my crown;
With these I need not hide me.
And there in garments richly wrought,
As your own bride I shall be brought To stand in joy beside you.
Christian Worship 219
Can you see it? Can you taste it?
No, we can’t. Not yet. Who of us could comprehend the Lord’s glory or his Kingdom’s pleasure? His glory? His Kingdom? How majestic! There aren’t words to describe either, nor are they images that we can fathom. But we will see his glory and taste his Kingdom’s pleasure. The hymn writer’s tone is one of confidence; an assurance that he wants us to have as well, “when your glory I shall see!”
But how could such a thing be possible? Our hearts condemn us and God’s law stamps “guilty” on every thought and action that fails his standard of perfection. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; all of us deserve eternal punishment. So what has saved us from the grasp hell? Christ’s blood, the royal robe that ushers us into the presence of God! Christ’s blood, shed to pay for our sins, and it will be our greatest joy because it makes us righteous before God. It is our certain and only hope – but one that gives us confidence that we will be brought into the Lord’s presence and glorious kingdom!
Everyone will appear before for God on Judgment Day but we don’t need to be afraid or hide from him in fear. Though we are born in sin and helpless to change our evil ways, God’s perfect love for us in Christ has cast out our fear. We won’t hide in shame and guilt because we will be wearing a royal crown of righteousness! Purchased for us with his holy, precious blood and with his innocent suffering and death, that crown is ours. Earned or deserved? Not a chance. Not even the tiniest little bit. Your royal robe and crown of righteousness are free gifts of our loving God. That’s why you can be certain!
And there, in the presence of God, in the fullness of his glory, amidst the pleasures of his Kingdom, you will be brought forward in glorious wedding garments to be his Bride. Garments that are woven of love, righteousness and sacrifice. The richest of robes created for a royal wedding; attire that is priceless because it cost the King the life blood of his only Son. You will be brought to Christ as his Bride to stand beside him in joy for all eternity. Talk about unfathomable!
Could an earthly word like “joy” even begin to reflect what will be ours in heaven? Could there be a more beautiful picture: joyously dwelling in the glory of the Lord and tasting the pleasures of his Kingdom, adorned in beautiful garments of purity and royalty? You, standing in joy right next to Jesus, the all glorious Lord of Lords, as his Bride, radiantly adorned in perfect holiness and righteousness.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Prof. David Sellnow.