Come Into My Old Age

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
Isaiah 46:4

I dread the coming of winter a little more each year when the cold, snow, ice, shortened hours of daylight, and lengthened hours of dark loom. Now that I am in the winter of my life, I wonder how many dark days of challenges and isolation await me.

My mother, at 98, often asks, ā€œWhy am I still here?ā€ Her body will not allow her to do all she used to do. She doesnā€™t see a purpose to her life. Even still, she continues to witness to her family the importance of regular worship and daily prayer.

My body often reminds me of my advanced age. God, who made me, promised to be with me, even carry me when my body is weak. He will sustain me, keeping me in the true saving faith that cannot be lost or taken from me.

Jesus came to rescue sinners. From his birth to his final ā€œIt is finished!ā€ cry, his focus remained on his Fatherā€™s mission. I must also keep my eyes focused on Jesus, who is waiting with open arms to welcome me home. Until then, my purpose is to share that message of salvation with my children, grandchildren, and others.


Dear heavenly Father, thank you for keeping your promise to send Jesus to rescue me from sin. Help me trust your promise to carry me through my life. Sustain my faith until you bring me to be with you forever. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen.

Written by Bev Fulmer
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.