A Daily Number One Goal – January 25, 2024

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23

A Daily Number One Goal

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Daily Devotion – January 25, 2024

Devotion based on Proverbs 4:23

See series: Devotions

What is your number one goal on the schedule today? Is it visiting or calling someone in need? Is it completing a task at work? Is it paying off a bill online? Is it simply making it through the day with your head attached to your neck?

We have to-do lists that seem to get longer and longer by the hour. It can be our number one goal to accomplish everything on the list. But try a different number one goal for today. “Above all else, guard your heart” was Solomon’s encouragement in Proverbs chapter 4. Why? Because your heart is where it all begins.

The heart that says, “I have too many things to do and no time for God today,” is already allowing impatience and sin to seep inside. Frustration, lost tempers, and angry words are just around the corner. But the heart that takes the time to admit every day, “I need my Savior desperately as I complete as much on my to-do list as I can” will be at rest. The peace of Christ will guard that humble heart, keeping the wellspring of life, joy, and love on the inside and banning frustration and bitterness to the outside.

Want to have peace and joy as you complete your to-do lists? Make it your number one goal to guard your heart with Christ today. You will be amazed at the difference it makes!

O Holy Spirit, fill my heart with a love for you that keeps you as my number one priority every day. Amen.

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