Washed Downstream – January 17, 2025

He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
Titus 3:5

Washed Downstream

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Daily Devotion – January 17, 2025

Devotion based on Titus 3:5

See series: Devotions

On November 19, 1854, the legendary Texas general, Sam Houston, was baptized. He was known as a brutish man, a rabble-rouser, and a heavy drinker. Apparently, his wife, Margaret, had been praying for fourteen years that he would get baptized. As the story goes, after Sam Houston came up from the baptismal waters of a river in Texas, one of his friends said, “Well, General, all your sins have been washed away.” Houston replied, “If that be the case, God help the fish downstreamā€¦”

We could technically all say the same thing. At our baptisms, a whole lot of filth got washed off of us. Every sin we’d ever committed and every sin we’d commit in the future received a cleansing on that day. That’s a lot of sin. But it’s gone now. It’s washed downstream. This washing by the Holy Spirit has saved you. By your baptism, you’ve been tied into the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. You died with Christ and now also live with Christ.

The two words Paul uses in this verse to describe your baptism are “rebirth” and “renewal.” To be “reborn” means to be given new life. At baptism, the “old you” was washed downstream. That “old you” was a slave to sin, but you’ve been set free now. It’s like you get to start your life over now as someone born into God’s family.

You’ve also been “renewed.” You see the word new in that word. At baptism, you were given a “new self.” This new self wants to please God and live in harmony with him. The old self of sin wants to rebel against God, but in your baptism, that old self is drowned. The new self now rises each day to live with Christ.

So, live every day as the reborn and renewed child of God that you are. You’ve been washed clean!

Cleansing Lord, you have saved us through the gracious washing of our baptisms. Lead us to live renewed lives each and every day. Amen.

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