You Only Live Once – October 17, 2024

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom . . . Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:12,14

You Only Live Once

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Daily Devotion – October 17, 2024

Devotion based on Psalm 90:12,14

See series: Devotions

YOLO—You only live once. Take chances; make the most of every day; do what makes you happy because “you only live once.”

One of the thoughts behind this slogan is a very biblical one. Life is short. You never know when your time in this world will come to an end. Your own death or Jesus’ return on the Last Day could come at any time. Remembering this shapes how you live your life.

A man named Moses had seen a lot of death in his life. He was very aware of his own mortality. He rightly saw death as a reminder of the sinfulness of mankind and the reality of God’s judgment. And so, he prayed for wisdom: “Teach us to number our days, Lord. Don’t let us forget that this life is short or that this life is not all there is.”

The Bible teaches us to live life with an eternal perspective and to prioritize what prepares us for what comes after this life. And this is where YOLO usually falls short. Living for the moment, doing only what makes you feel good, and putting yourself first leave us unprepared to stand before God. That’s because God’s law demands that we live our lives not for ourselves but for him and those around us.

And so, Moses prayed, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” God’s unfailing love satisfies us like nothing else can because it gives us certainty for eternity. In unfailing love, God sent Jesus to break the curse of sin and overcome death. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, God forgives our selfish shortsightedness and our misplaced priorities. Because of his unfailing love, we can sing for joy and be glad all our days. We can face life and death without fear. We can live each day to serve God, knowing that he has a better life prepared for us, where we only live once, but that life lasts forever.

Lord may your unfailing love move me to live for you every day. Amen.

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