Update on the Ukrainian Lutheran Church – Dec. 13, 2022

As I write this update about the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), it is day 288 since the war began on February 24. Throughout Ukraine there has been much damage to property—vital infrastructure, hospitals, schools, train stations, to mention just a few. While there are no official figures, there have been many casualties, both soldiers and civilians. But as of today, no ULC members or pastors have lost their lives. Praise be to God!

In the face of war, the ministry continues, relatively uninterrupted. The ministry has actually expanded as pastors and congregations are now helping refugees and members in need, along with their friends and neighbors. Christians are not only speaking of their faith in Jesus, but putting their faith into action. People and communities are witnessing the love and concern Christians have for others in their time of need.

Much of Ukraine now is without electricity or is experiencing periods of blackouts lasting for hours. Some of the effects of this are the loss of heating, charging phones and computers, running refrigerators and freezers, and lights at night. Winter always has a shortened period of daylight time, but without lights it makes the days longer and depression settles in quite easily. Many people buy candles, but now candles are hard to find and the cost of a candle which used to be ten cents is as high as two dollars and 50 cents (American currency). There are very many cases of stress related illnesses among the people. Bishop Horpynchuk says that at present their greatest concerns are heat and food.

Many people have been praying for Ukraine and the ULC since the outbreak of this war. Gifts from CELC churches have enabled pastors and congregations to buy generators, which have been a big help for them. Now there can be at least some heat in the buildings for their worship services. They also are able to buy food, medicines, fuel, warm clothing, blankets, shoes, and hygiene products. They thank you for your gifts that enable to make these purchases.

I’m often asked to pass along, from the members and pastors, thanks for all that people have done for them with their prayers and gifts. They appreciate these very, very much. In times of need, and at all times, Christians work together, laugh together, cry together, but we cherish the truth that we are all one in Christ. Our times are in his hands, and what better place can there be. The ULC extends wishes for God’s blessings for all of you, our fellow believers. Thank you for your prayers.

Submitted by Rev. Roger Neumann, WELS liaison to the ULC

This update was shared from the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference website.


WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



WELS statement on Roe v. Wade ruling

On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling that overturned the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that assured a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion throughout the United States. This ruling struck down many state laws that had prohibited or limited abortions. Tragically, as a result of the 1973 decision, millions of unborn children have been robbed of the opportunity for life.

Contrary to how some have portrayed it, this recent action by the Supreme Court does not make abortion illegal in the United States. Rather, the ruling enables states to enact their own laws on abortion—either banning or limiting the practice or making the practice legal.

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has always been clear in its opposition to abortion and in its pro-life position. While this ruling does not eliminate the tragedy of abortions in our country, it is certainly a long-desired step in the right direction in the effort to protect human life in the womb. We pray that states will now take the opportunity to prohibit the taking of human life when it most needs protection.

The Psalm writer declares in Psalm 139, “For you (God) created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” God creates life, and it is only God who has the right to end the life he has created. As long as there are still places where abortion is legal and available, it’s important that our synod continues to make its clear confession that it is God who creates life, beginning at conception. We believe that the government has the God-given responsibility to protect life. As important as this issue is, our synod remains committed to its most important mission:  sharing the good news of a Savior who has brought forgiveness and healing for all.

Rev. Mark Schroeder, President
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod


Synod presidents from WELS, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and the Lutheran Church-Missouri synod signed a letter to the U.S. Attorney General regarding the violence against pro-life organizations.

Read the letter



Pray for Uvalde, Texas

Lord Jesus, there is so much evil in this world. Once again, senseless violence has taken multiple lives – both children and adults. With heavy hearts, we your children come to you asking for your tender care to attend to the needs of so many. Comfort those families whose lives have been devastated and disrupted by death. Bring healing to the injured. Help those who are dealing with images they can never unsee. We thank you, Lord, for the brave public servants who rushed toward the danger, brought the carnage to an end, and cared for the injured. Above all, as we struggle with our questions and confusion, use this, dear Father, to draw us, your children, ever closer to you. We commit all who are suffering to your care, confident of your promises, assured of your presence, and surrounded by your love. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, in your power, in your grace, and in your mercy. Amen.

WELS Foundation: Here to help

On Nov. 7, 2021, Divine Peace, Milwaukee, Wis., held its final worship service after sharing the gospel with its neighborhood for almost 65 years. It was an emotional day filled with memories of weddings and baptisms, confirmations and Christian funerals. Yet there was joy beneath the sadness—joy that only peace in Christ can bring. The members of Divine Peace knew that they are a part of God’s bigger plan for the kingdom.

When Divine Peace was established in 1957, it was built on the outskirts of a growing city, surrounded by farmland. Over the years, farmland gave way to starter homes and apartment buildings. As homeowners began to move to the suburbs and those in the apartments constantly came and went, it became difficult for Divine Peace to build lasting relationships with its transient neighbors and sustain its membership.

As the congregation began to run out of resources, and its pastor took a call to another congregation in June 2021, Divine Peace’s leadership knew it was time to prayerfully evaluate its future. Members also looked at the density of WELS congregations that are now in the area—four churches within a 1.5-mile radius.

After extensive Scripture study and prayer, open forums, and a special sermon series, the congregation determined it no longer could carry out a sustainable ministry. “We believed it was a better use of our time, talents, and treasures to close Divine Peace and redeploy these gifts to other areas of ministry. This redeployment would involve sending our membership to other WELS congregations in our community to support and strengthen those churches,” says Divine Peace church president Brian Gottschalk.

Instead of selling the church and property themselves, congregation leadership turned to WELS Foundation for assistance. After the final service, Divine Peace donated the property to WELS Foundation, who in turn sold the property and distributed the net proceeds to the ministries designated by the voters of Divine Peace. They split the assets of the sale to continue supporting gospel work for years to come: 80 percent to support WELS Missions and Congregational Services and 20 percent to support Christian education at nearby Wisconsin Lutheran High School through its foundation’s endowment.

Jim Holm, Executive Director of WELS Foundation, says, “It was a privilege to work closely with Mr. Gottschalk, church secretary Shelly Fink, and leadership at Divine Peace throughout this process. Even though Divine Peace closed its doors, its legacy of faith will continue.”

Holm continues, “WELS Foundation was blessed to assist Divine Peace as part of our mission of facilitating gifts to benefit WELS ministries, for the spreading of the gospel.”

To contact WELS Foundation, please call 800-752-8940 or e-mail WELSFoundation@wels.net.