“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22,23).

God’s faithfulness is as steadfast for us as a synod as it is for us as individuals. This annual report reviews some of the ways that God has displayed his faithfulness and blessed our work together during the past year.

The blessings begin close to home, as well-trained pastors, teachers, and staff ministers serve our congregations with God’s Word. Those workers are gifts of God and are able to serve us because God himself has sent these workers into his harvest field.

We look back on how God blesses our congregations as they gather around Word and sacrament and as their members reach out into their communities with the good news of our Savior and with Christian love and compassion for those in need.

Looking a little farther beyond our own congregations, we see how God continues to bless our 100 Missions in 10 Years effort, with more new home missions established and other existing ministries enhanced to serve more people with the gospel.

Then we look to see what God has been doing to bring his saving message to people around the world. God is giving us numerous new opportunities to reach the lost in places like Tanzania, Australia, Argentina, the United Kingdom, and the Navajo Nation. He’s not only giving us the opportunities, but he is also providing the manpower and opening the hearts of WELS people to support those efforts with their thank-offerings.

God is faithful. He proved it every day during the past year, and he will continue to prove it in the year to come. May we continue to be motivated by his great love to serve him together faithfully.

Rev. Mark Schroeder
WELS President


As a Christian church body, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s calling is to nurture the faith of our members and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

WELS is the third largest Lutheran church body in the United States with 1,241 churches, 330,687 baptized members, and 264,498 communicant members.

WELS has 12 districts to allow for more area-specific ministry, personal contacts, and member involvement.

WELS congregations—either individually or as federations—operate one of the largest parochial school systems in the United States. This system includes 276 Lutheran elementary schools, 345 early childhood ministries, and 29 area Lutheran high schools. Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wis., a liberal arts college for Christian men and women, is a WELS-affiliated ministry.

WELS maintains four schools for the education of our pastors, teachers, and staff ministers—Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wis.; Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn.; Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, Wis.; and Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw, Mich.

WELS supports work in mission fields in the United States and in countries around the world.

WELS is a member of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference, an organization of 34 confessional church bodies throughout the world.

Five separately incorporated entities work closely with WELS to provide resources necessary to carry out WELS’ ministry.

Known as the WELS Center for Mission and Ministry, the synod’s headquarters in Waukesha, Wis., houses WELS’ areas of ministry and support staff as well as the subsidiaries, WELS Archives, and the WELS Visitor Center.

From collections that document the administration of WELS to individual congregational records, the WELS Archives helps preserve and share the history of our synod. Visit for more information.

Tours to the WELS Visitor Center may be scheduled by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling 414-256-3200.




baptized members


communicant members


early childhood ministries


Lutheran elementary schools


area Lutheran high schools