Synod Administration
Communication Services
This group is responsible for clear and consistent communication of the synod’s mission to its members and nonmembers who are interested in learning more about WELS through vehicles like Forward in Christ magazine, WELS ConnectionĀ videos, Together e-news, and this website.
View andĀ download resources from WELS Communication Services.
Conference of Presidents
The Conference of Presidents, one of the two primary leadership groups in WELS, is responsible for encouraging and equipping WELS to carry out its mission of sharing Christās love with the world.
View and download resources from the WELS Conference of Presidents
Financial Services
Financial Services prepares and provides accounting and financial information and services that support and serve WELS ministries. This is done by providing timely, accurate, and complete financial statements, reports, and analyses; providing effective and efficient financial services and operations.
Human Resources
Human Resources oversees the personnel functions for the WELS national office in Milwaukee. It also assists synod leaders, ministerial education schools, and congregations in addressing called worker care issues such as compensation, tax information, and relocation counseling.
View andĀ download resources from the WELS Human Resources.
Joint Mission Council
The Joint Mission Council (JMC) facilitates the mission work of WELS Joint Missions. The JMC is made up of called and lay member representatives from Home Missions, World Missions, and Ministerial Education (specifically Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary).
Synodical Council
This group is responsible for managing the activities of the synod that are determined by the synod in convention. These responsibilities include overseeing and evaluating all programs of ministry carried out by the synod and coordinating the execution of decisions made by the synod in convention.
The Technology office seeks to share Christās love by helping others make the best use of technology tools today. Technology provides a strong technical infrastructure; security and quality management for synodical data and information; tools and structure for the WELS website.
View andĀ download resources from the WELS Technology.
WELS Archives
The archives are the official repository for records of historical value created by and about WELS, its congregations and called workers, and related parasynodical organizations and institutions. Its mission is to offer a useful information service to WELS called workers and congregations.
Learn more about WELS Archives.
Download documents available from the WELS Conference of Presidents to aid congregations.
Get all the synod information you need through WELS’ official reports.