WELS Identity Guidelines

The following guidelines are for the use of visual elements of the synod identity, which seeks to present our church body to our members and non-members alike in the most positive way possible.

This identity is the result of several meetings among synod administrators that explored ways to address the perceptions many both inside and outside WELS hold of our church body. It was agreed that we must once again clearly articulate the tremendous blessings we enjoy as a synod and individual Christians, Christ’s love, and all that we do in responseā€”especially proclaiming that love to the world.

Our starting point in discussions was our current synod mission statement: “As men, women, and children united in faith and worship by the Word of God, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod exists to make disciples throughout the world for time and for eternity, using the gospel in Word and sacrament to win the lost for Christ and to nurture believers for lives of Christian service, all to the glory of God.”

Our aim was to take this statement and crystallize it in a way that resonates both with members and non-members alike. The result is a refreshed logo and a new identity phrase, or tagline, that will be used throughout all our communications and resources. Together, this new tagline and logo will help focus attention on who we areā€”God’s people through Christ’s loveā€”and our mission, or calling.

Download WELS logo files for print or web use and in black and white or color.

Our logo


Ā Official WELS logo

We’ve taken our traditional WELS cross and updated it to symbolize our mission to proclaim the gospel. Think of red as the color of the Holy Spirit, and the rings as the good news spreading from the cross throughout the world.

The phrase “Christ’s Love, Our Calling” is not merely a short-term theme, but a new way of describing ourselves. Our new identity phrase more clearly and concisely communicates what we’re about, especially to those unfamiliar with the terminology in our official title.

We believe that a positive synod identity stands to benefit all WELS congregations and organizations. We are stronger collectively than individually. When the world understands that as a church body our mission is to proclaim Christ’s saving love, it will make the connection that every individual WELS member shares that same mission.

All WELS congregations and schools are encouraged to make use of our new logo wherever appropriateā€”on Web sites, church signs, newsletters, stationery, displays, and more. It is only through repeated use that it will become widely recognized and that a collective identity can be established.

The logo only has value if used in a uniform way in every application. That is why we ask you to follow the guidelines outlined in this document. Together we want to establish a visual identity that tells the world we preach Christ crucified.

Download WELS logo files for print or web use and in black and white or color.

Logo colors and font

Color is a powerful means of visual identification. Consistent use of our full color identity will build visibility and recognition. For this reason, the two-color version of the logo is preferred. FalignThe font used in the WELS logo is Frutiger Light. This font is a traditional sans serif that complements the stylized WELS cross.

The two colors used in the logo are WELS Blue (Pantone 2767; CMYK: 100,78,0,54; Web: #003366) and WELS Red (Pantone 188; CMYK: 0,97,100,50; Web: #990000).
IdentityGuidelines-Bluelogo Single color: The logo may be reproduced in WELS Blue (Pantone 2767) on one-color applications; however, when possible use the full-color logo.
IdentityGuidelines-Blacklogo Black: Use this version if black is the only color available; for example, on church bulletins, fax cover sheets, and forms.
IdentityGuidelines-Whiteklogo The signature may be reversed out of color backgrounds as long as there is sufficient contrast to ensure legibility. Always use the approved artwork. Do not attempt to change the blue or black artwork to white. The white logo has been specially created to compensate for the optical thickening of the strokes that occurs in all reversed art.

Logo reproduction

In order to maintain quality logo reproduction standards, please use the following reproduction methods:

Offset printing

For full-color printing including photography or illustrations, the recommendation is to print six colors: four-color plus Pantone 2767 and Pantone 188. A less expensive alternative would be to print five colors: four-color plus Pantone 2767. These methods provide consistent and accurate color when producing full-color materials. This approach is ideal for most marketing materials.

Digital printing

When offset printing is not possibleā€”for example, in newspaper ads or when using any digital printing processā€”use the CMYK process method. Be sure to use the specified CMYK values for WELS Blue and WELS Red. An exact color match is not available in the digital print process.

Spot color

For printing applications that do not require four-color process, such as stationery and business cards, use the spot color method and match the Pantone numbers for WELS Blue and WELS Red.

NOTE: Colors throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc., for accuracy and may not match the PANTONEĀ© color standards. Consult current PANTONEĀ© publications for accurate color. PANTONEĀ© is the property of Pantone, Inc.

Background control

To ensure optimum legibility and impact, select the logo version that provides maximum contrast. Avoid busy areas that interfere with the logo.

On solid-color backgrounds, it is important to remember visibility and impact of the logo as well. The preferred white background for our full-color logo gives it the most impact.

Preferred size

On printed materials in standard sizes (e.g., U.S. letter/A4), the logo should be used in its preferred 2″ (50mm) width.

Minimum size

In reproducing the logo, be conscious of the size and legibility of the tagline, “Christ’s Love, Our Calling.” The logo should never be less than 1.125 inches wide in print or 120 pixels wide on the Web. A logo that is too small has little to no impact. If a smaller version is necessary, contact us.

Clear space

Clear space frames the logo, separating it from other elements such as headlines, text, imagery, and the outside edge of printed materials.

When using the preferred 2″ logo version, allow at least 1/4″ clearance above, below, to the left, and to the right of the logo. When using a larger or smaller version of the logo, make sure to increase or decrease the amount of clear space proportionately.

Logo variations

The WELS logo, complete with tagline, will always be the preferred option for most applications. However, due to size restrictions or space limitations on some applications, other logo variations are available. For more information, contact us.

Logo “do nots”

The WELS signature must be used correctly to ensure that the impact and integrity of our identity is not diluted or compromised. Always reproduce the signature from approved electronic artwork. Always use good judgment when working with the logo.

IdentityGuidelines-Logo-NoAlterations Do not alter the color, distort, or skew any part of the logo.
IdentityGuidelines-DoNotRecreate The logo typeface is Frutiger Light. Do not change the logo font or recreate the logo.
IdentityGuidelines-NoSentence Do not use the logo as part of a sentence or alter the approved tagline lockup.
IdentityGuidelines-NoShapes Do not create holding shapes.
IdentityGuidelines-NoRearranging Do not rearrange or resize the logo elements.
IdentityGuidelines-Logo-NoAddingGraphics Do not add any graphics to the logo.
IdentityGuidelines-NoBlueBackground Do not use WELS Blue backgrounds that are more than a 20% screen.
IdentityGuidelines-NoRedBackground Do not use WELS Red backgrounds unless using the reverse out or white logo.
IdentityGuidelines-NoScreen Do not use black backgrounds that are more than a 20% screen.

Download WELS logo files for print or web use and in black and white or color.

Logo terms of use

The logo is the exclusive property of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and may not be used without its express consent.

WELS Communications Services has granted permission to the following organizations and individuals to use the logo, in conformance with the WELS Identity Guidelines:

  • Member congregations and schoolsā€”and pastors, staff ministers, faculty, teachers, staff members, laypeople, or design professionals acting on their behalf.
  • Synod subsidiaries (WELS Church Extension Fund, WELS Foundation, WELS Investment Funds, Northwestern Publishing House, Benefit Plans).
  • Parasynodical organizations whose work directly supports the synodā€™s ministry (Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society, WELS Kingdom Workers).

Other WELS-affiliated organizations may use the logo, but only after first securing permission from WELS Communication Services.

The license granted by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod to use the logo is non-exclusive and is revocable at the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synodā€™s sole discretion.

Conditions of use
The logo may be used only in conformity with the WELS Identity Guidelines.

Northwestern Publishing House has been given exclusive license to sell products featuring the logo. However, if you wish to sell items at cost or as giveaways (coffee mugs, T-shirts, etc.) or use such items to identify members (car decals, bumper stickers, lapel pins, etc.) within your congregation or organization, you may do so.

The logo may not be used by Web sites other than those of organizations mentioned above. Unofficial Web sites, though operated by WELS laypeople or called WELS pastors or other professional church workers, may not use the logo unless their sites carry the official, stated endorsement of a WELS district, congregation, or group of congregations.

Private businesses may not use the logo, nor may WELS congregational members use the logo for business or personal use. Rare exceptions may be made only after consultation with, and securing the permission from, WELS Communication Services.

If Communication Services requests, you will agree to submit for review representative samples of advertisements, promotional literature and materials, artwork, press releases, public relations material, brochures, Web pages, and other materials on which you use or intend to use the logo. If such samples, or other examples brought to our attention, do not conform to WELS Identity Guidelines, you agree to work with WELS Communication Services to find a workable solution.

Additional versions of the logo are available. To request the logo in another format, or for questions regarding the logo and its usage, contact us.


From Germany to Wisconsin, learn about the history of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.


With 400,000 members and more than 1,200 congregations, we are the third largest Lutheran church body in America. The Midwest is our roots, but the world is our mission field.