2023 humanitarian aid grants announced

At its May 1, 2023, meeting, WELS Christian Aid and Relief approved humanitarian aid grants totaling $702,390 for FY 23/24. WELS home missions will receive $43,498 in assistance; $658,892 will go to support world mission efforts. These are projects developed by WELS home and world missionaries to reflect Christā€™s compassion to the people of their communities and build relationships that lead to opportunities to share the gospel.

ā€œSeven hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money, but I believe it is money well spent. These dollars assist our missionaries at home and abroad to reach out in compassion to hurting people and help them. Thatā€™s reason enough for such an investment!ā€ says Rev. Dan Sims, director of WELS Christian Aid and Relief. ā€œBut these acts of kindness help to build trusting relationships and lead to many opportunities to share the good news of our Savior.ā€

Major items include support for health clinics (including the Central Africa Medical Mission), borehole drilling to provide clean water, food for the hungry, warm clothes for widows and orphans, aid for legal immigrants, school supplies for underprivileged kids, education for refugees, scholarships for poor students, smokeless stoves, mosquito nets, vocational training, and many other forms of assistance.

Home missions receiving grants include:

  • Foundation, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Hope, Toronto, Ont., Canada
  • Shepherd of the Valley, Arvada, Colo.
  • Living Hope, Commerce City, Colo.
  • Christ, Denver, Colo.
  • Carbon Valley, Firestone, Colo.
  • The Vine, Hayden, Idaho
  • Christ the Rock, Farmington, N.M.
  • Living Hope, Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • Amazing Grace, Amarillo, Tex.
  • The Mission, Conroe, Tex.
  • Christ Our Refuge, Hewitt, Tex.
  • Christ the Rock, Hutto, Tex.
  • Abiding Savior, Killeen, Tex.
  • Divine Peace, Rockwall, Tex.
  • Faith, Tyler, Tex.
  • Our Savior, West San Antonio, Tex.

World Mission fields receiving grants include:

  • Africa: Malawi, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda
  • Asia: Indonesia, Thailand, and others
  • Europe: Albania
  • Latin America: Mexico

Learn more about WELS Christian Aid and Relief at wels.net/relief.