Tag Archive for: Called to Proclaim 2024

World Missions

WELS World Missions conducts gospel outreach in 45 countries and is exploring outreach opportunities in 19 prospective new mission fields. World Missions brings the light of Godā€™s Word to the world through evangelism efforts, church planting, training national workers for ministry, and providing religious materials in foreign languages through Multi-Language Productions. Forty-four world missionaries partner with more than 400 national pastors to conduct outreach and train more than 380 students for service in Christā€™s kingdom.

World Missions supports mission work:

  • on Native American reservations, where the gospel is being shared on the Apache reservations in Arizona and exploratory mission work is beginning on other reservations throughout North America;Ā  Ā 
  • in Africa, where missionaries partner with national church bodies in seven countries and are exploring outreach in at least six more countries throughout the continent;
  • in Asia, where 16 missionaries have joined together to equip, encourage, and empower others to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to 1.8 billion unreached souls;
  • in Latin America, where hundreds of thousands of people are being reached through Academia Cristo online courses and more than 25 individuals are actively leading a group in worship and study;
  • in Europe, where missionaries partner with national churches to train the next generation of church leaders and bring the true gospel to countries without a strong Lutheran presence; and
  • through Multi-Language Productions, which has produced materials in more than 56 languages and reaches tens of thousands of English-speakers in more than 30 different countries through the TELL online training platform.

For more information, visit wels.net/missions.


WELS world missionaries in Africa spend much of their time exploring outreach in other countries and relationships with other national church bodies. In August 2023, members of WELSā€™ One Africa Team visited congregations in Tanzania that are part of the Africa Mission Evangelism Church, a Lutheran church body of almost one hundred congregations. WELS first visited in 2021 to start discussions to see if the church bodies share the same scriptural beliefs and practices and could one day be in fellowship.

At the 2023 synod convention, WELS declared fellowship with Obadiah Lutheran Synod of Uganda, which it began working with in 2017.

Pictured above:Ā WELS missionary Benjamin Foxen and the members of Kyakojogoma church in northwest Tanzania outside the temporary shelter they built for worship.


Latin America

When 17-year-old Tonny Quintero walked up the hill in the barrio of MedellĆ­n, Colombia, in 1980, he thought he was going to learn English. But Larry W. Schlomer, a WELS missionary, taught him ā€œsomething much more beautiful,ā€ says Quintero. He was confirmed by Schlomer three years later.

On Aug. 2, 2023, Quintero (pictured) stood before delegates of WELSā€™ 67th biennial synod convention representing Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional, with which WELS affirmed fellowship. When addressing the delegates, Quintero, now a pastor in MedellĆ­n, brought greetings and thanks. ā€œInstruments that God used were sent by you to share the Word of God with me and others,ā€ he says.

He went on to share how the Word of God has grown in Latin America to the point that in 2021 Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional was formed by five WELS sister churchesā€”all of which originally started as WELS missionsā€”from Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bolivia, and
Venezuela. This new church body is the landing point for new congregations in Latin America that grow out of Academia Cristo, a multi-faceted program that shares the message of Godā€™s grace with as many people as possible, identifies and trains potential leaders, and encourages these leaders to make more disciples who plant churches.

ā€œWhy was Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional formed? So that these new churches that are being formed arenā€™t left alone but they have a group to become a member of,ā€ says Quintero. A church in Bolivia recently was accepted into this church body; more than 25 are now working through the process.



In July 2023, Godā€™s grace could be seen on WELSā€™ work in Vietnam with the formal building dedication of the new Theological Education Center in Hanoi and the graduation ceremony of the first class of 55 pastors from the Hmong Fellowship Church who have completed their seminary training. WELS President Mark Schroeder and WELS Missions representatives Sean Young and Larry Schlomer attended the events. Among others present were Jon Bare, president of Asia Lutheran Seminary; Bounkeo Lor, Hmong Asian ministry coordinator; and Joel Nitz, Hmong Asian missionary.

ā€œWe are grateful to the government of Vietnam for granting WELS permission to carry out this training and to erect a building in which to do it. We are thankful to the Hmong Fellowship Church for inviting us to train its pastors. We thank the members of our synod for their generous gifts of love and faith to make this possible. Above all, we are thankful to our gracious God for giving us this amazing opportunity to share the gospel in Vietnam,ā€ says Schroeder.

Meet pastors from the Hmong Fellowship Church in Vietnam at wels.net/vietnam.


Native American Missions

Eight churches, one preaching station, and two Lutheran elementary schools serve those on the Fort Apache and the San Carlos Apache Reservations. David Bostedt (pictured) serves at East Fork and Canyon Day.








WELS Mission Journeys

Seven people from St. Martinā€™s Lutheran Church in Watertown, S.D., participated in a WELS Mission Journeys trip to London in October 2023. They volunteered at two different charities in the area to assist WELS missionaries in building connections in the community. Pictured here are St. Martinā€™s members as well as members of WELSā€™ mission in London and WELSā€™ two missionaries in London, Mike Hartman and Conifer Berg. Interested in participating in a short-term mission trip with members of your congregation? Visit wels.net/missionjourneys for more information.

Home Missions

Pictured above: Joseph Lindloff was installed as the new home missionary in Marquette, Mich., in October 2023. Marquette received funding as a new mission in March 2023 in the first round of missions approved as part of WELSā€™ initiative to launch 100 missions in 10 years. Pictured with Lindloff are his wife, Julie, and their three children.


WELS officially launched its 100 missions in 10 years initiative in 2023. The initiative includes plans to plant 100 new home mission churches and enhance 75 existing ministries from 2023ā€“2033, and it is off to a strong start. In 2023, the Board for Home Missions approved support for 10 new missions and 10 enhancements.

New missions

  • Bentonville, Ark.: Bentonville, the headquarters of Walmart, is anticipated to see 35 percent population growth in the next three years. Only two churches of any denomination are located in the target area of southwest Bentonville/Centerton. The 12-person core group has been active in the community and looks forward to planting a new church in an area with no current WELS presence.
  • Panama City Beach, Fla.: Amazing Grace, Panama City, is looking to expand west and start a second site in the greater Panama City Beach area. The core group of about 12 members has been meeting regularly for more than two years as they make plans to reach a growing retirement population and the young families that serve the aging population and tourists.
  • Idaho Falls, Idaho: The greater Idaho Falls area is experiencing tremendous growth due to jobs, quality of life, and cost of living. The Mormon church has a strong historical presence in the area so the 11-person core group has been working with Truth in Love Ministries, a WELS-affiliated organization that reaches out to Mormons and equips others to do so.
  • Boston, Mass.: Boston, a city with 4.3 million souls, is known as ā€œAmericaā€™s College Townā€ with 53 colleges and universities. The closest WELS church to the urban center is a 90-minute drive to the south. This unique urban mission is being modeled after church plants in Atlanta and New York City and has strong potential for college and cross-cultural ministries.
  • Marquette, Mich.: Marquette serves as the hub of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and 52 percent of the people in and around Marquette do not have a home church or attend a church. It is also home to 7,000 students at Northern Michigan University, a ripe opportunity for a campus ministry program. A group of WELS members live in Marquette, and many students remain in the area after graduation.
  • Kalispell, Mont.: Kalispell is considered the fastest-growing micropolitan city (population 10,000-50,000) in the United States and is 100 miles away from the nearest WELS church. The dedicated core group has been gathering for worship on a regular basis for years, first in private homes and currently in a motel conference room. The pastor at Living Savior, Missoula, Mont., leads onsite worship twice a month while lay leaders organize other weekly Bible studies and outreach events.
  • Cincinnati, Ohio: Beautiful Savior, Cincinnati, Ohio, is starting a second site in the Oakley and Hyde Park neighborhoods, just northeast of downtown. A core group of 20 members have been meeting regularly for fellowship, Bible study, and outreach since fall 2022. This new location would put Beautiful Savior closer to three colleges in the area, opening opportunities for campus ministry growth.
  • North Collin County, Texas: A core group of 15 members from Atonement, Plano, Texas, are starting a new church in North Collin County, a northern suburb of Dallas. Divine Savior Ministries, a WELS-affiliated ministry with four church/school campuses, has committed to providing guidance and resources to the new mission and is planning to build a Divine Savior Academy by year five of the mission start.Ā 
  • Kronenwetter, Wis.: Five WELS churches in the greater Wausau, Wis., area are supporting a new mission in Kronenwetter. This growing community south of Wausau is home to Northland Lutheran High School, which houses this new church. The 22-member core group has been meeting monthly since December 2021 for Bible study and mission planning.
  • Buffalo, Wyo: A group of 27 WELS members living in the Buffalo area have been worshiping weekly in the local civic center since March 2020, led by the pastor from Lord of Lords in Casper, Wyo. Core group members have started three different Bible study/book study opportunities outside of Sunday worship and Bible study and are actively inviting friends to join.


  • Beautiful Savior, West Des Moines, Iowa
  • Our Redeemer, Ladysmith, Wis.
  • Good Shepherd, Midland, Texas
  • Fairview, Milwaukee, Wis.
  • Christ the King, Port Charlotte, Fla.
  • Divine Saviorā€“Sienna, Missouri City, Texas
  • Mount Calvary, Redding/Anderson, Calif.
  • Christ the King, Palm Coast, Fla.
  • Hope in Deerfield, Wis.
  • Cross of Christ, Las Cruces, N.M.


Did you know?

WELS Home Missions supports 145 home mission congregations, including churches in 38 states, Canada, and the English-speaking West Indies.


North Collin County, Texas

ā€œWe are so humbled and excited to have been chosen for mission status in this first year of WELSā€™ 100 in 10 mission initiative,ā€ says Brad Johnston, the core group leader of Divine Savior, North Collin County. ā€œWe have learned so much about our community and the needs of our neighbors and friends over the past two years of active outreach efforts. They have no greater need than to hear the message of peace that comes from knowing their Savior Jesus.ā€

Johnston and other members of the core group in North Collin County have been meeting every other week since 2021 for planning meetings and Bible studies. They have also participated in community outreach opportunities, including cleaning up litter. In July 2023 Caleb King was installed to serve as a home missionary for Divine Savior in North Collin County.


Divine Saviorā€“Sienna

In March 2023, members of Divine Saviorā€“Sienna submitted a request through our district mission board to the Board for Home Missions for an enhancement grant to allow us to call for a second pastor. The Board for Home Missions granted that request.

Dan Laitinen was the first pastor we called. He moved with his family to Sienna in July 2023, and we celebrated his installation on July 30 with worship and a massive serving of Texas-smoked pulled pork.

So . . . howā€™s it going? Incredibly!

As we partner with Divine Savior Academy on our campus, there are so many opportunities for ministry. This year, the school has grown to 350 students in PreKā€“11th grade. We anticipate more students next year with the completion of a building project.

So much ministry can happen with two pastors! While I serve 10th graders and teach the Old Testament, Pastor Laitinen can study the Bible with Kenneth, our security officer, and Keith, our technology specialist, progressing toward membership at Divine Savior Church. While Pastor Laitinen invites Connect Group leaders to his home to encourage and equip them for our small group ministry, I am the invited guest at the homes of academy parents like Jake and Amanda or Will and Jordan, who take our START class to become members. While I take time to engage and interact specifically with worship visitors and guests, Pastor Laitinen leads a Sunday morning small group study. While Pastor Laitinen works with our youth group leaders to plan consistent events to connect teens to Christ, I work with the outreach team to plan our soccer camp and Easter egg hunt.

More kingdom work is happening. More people are equipped to serve in our mission. More souls are connected to Christ!

Kevin Boushek, home missionary at Divine Saviorā€“Sienna


Campus ministry in Atlanta

Colleen Thorson didnā€™t grow up in the church. In fact, when she started at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga., she hadnā€™t ever set foot in a worship service. On the other hand, Colleenā€™s new roommate, Megan Smith, a member at Victory of the Lamb, Katy, Texas, had been going to church her whole life. When Megan asked if she wanted to check out a new church together, Colleen joined her at Intown Lutheran Church, a mission congregation in the heart of Atlanta, Ga.

After that first worship service, Colleen didnā€™t waste any time making plans to come back. ā€œAll I could think about was that I wanted to learn more,ā€ she says. ā€œI felt incredibly blessed to worship with so many kind people and was very inspired by the beautiful message Pastor Lucas was sharing.ā€

Lucas Bitter accepted the call to start a new mission in Atlanta in 2017. He sees the cityā€™s college students as souls hungry to hear about the peace and security Jesus offers. When Megan and Colleen first attended worship at Intown, Bitter quickly learned their names and invited them to attend that weekā€™s Campus Ministry Bible study. If there was any doubt in the roommatesā€™ minds that they belonged at Intown, these weeknights spent in the Word dispelled them immediately.

ā€œWhen things get tough during the week,ā€ explains Colleen, ā€œthis time in the Word is a great reminder of whatā€™s really important. Weā€™re always trying to get more people from the area involved, to show them how much of a difference Jesus can make in their lives too.ā€Ā 

When Colleen approached Bitter one Sunday after worship and asked what she needed to do to prepare herself to take Holy Communion, he saw an opportunity. He invited her to take the churchā€™s Bible Basics course. She completed the course and was baptized and confirmed on Easter Sunday 2022.Ā 

ā€œSince Colleen completed the course and got baptized, several other students have enrolled in the class,ā€ says Bitter. ā€œLord willing, there may be more adult baptisms coming soon!ā€

Visit wels.net/college to learn more about WELS Campus Ministry.



Joint Missions

WELS Joint Missions supports mission opportunities that are the responsibility of Home Missions, World Missions, and Ministerial Education. Much of this work centers around people-group ministries, where immigrants who have joined our fellowship in the United States and Canada are able to take the gospel back to friends and family in their country of origin.


Taste of Missions

Pictured above: Many of WELSā€™ newest home and world missionaries attended Taste of Missions 2023. This family-friendly event aimed at giving WELS members a ā€œtaste of missionsā€ is being held again on June 15, 2024, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., and online. Learn more at tasteofmissions.com.


Connecting people to the gospel

Steve Gabb, pastor at Hope, Los Angeles, Calif., baptized Amber in February 2023. Neil Birkholz connected Amber, originally from East Asia, with Gabb when he learned that she was looking for a WELS church in the Los Angeles area.

ā€œI would use the illustration of a switchboardā€Æoperator from the early days of telephone communication to explain the work of a diaspora ministry facilitator,ā€ says Neil Birkholz, WELSā€™ Asian ministry consultant and diaspora ministry facilitator for East Asia.ā€Æ

Birkholz further explains, ā€œIf someoneā€Æfrom Korea is looking to connect their son with a WELS church in the United States, I help connect them with the local WELS church where their son will be living.ā€ÆIf a member of my WELS church in California is returning to their home country of Thailand, I help connect them with our WELS World Mission One Team in Thailand so this member can continue to worship with other confessional Lutherans while living in Thailand.ā€

Diaspora ministryā€”or people-group ministryā€”involves both World Missions and Home Missions. Each World Missions One Team (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Native American) has at least one diaspora ministry facilitator, which is a role that a pastor takes on in addition to his full-time call.Ā 

Learn more at wels.net/jointmissions, including how to contact diaspora ministry facilitators to connect people groups.


One campus, three languages

In August 2023, King of Kings, Garden Grove, Calif., ordained and installed its second and third pastors in a trilingual worship service. The three languages woven throughout the service reflected the congregationā€™s three distinct ministries: English, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Trung LĆŖ (right), a recent graduate of the Pastoral Studies Institute, is leading the Vietnamese ministry, which is funded by the WELS Joint Mission Council. Grant Hagen (middle), a 2023 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, is leading the Hispanic ministry. LĆŖ and Hagen serve alongside Brian Doebler (left), lead pastor at King of Kings.

When King of Kings was established in 1962, the community surrounding it lookedā€”and soundedā€”very different than it does today. The population in Garden Grove was largely English-speaking Anglo. Today, about 40 percent of Garden Grove is Hispanic and 40 percent is Vietnamese. King of Kingsā€™ members knew that to reach their neighbors with the gospel they would have to embrace the changes around them and adapt their ministry.ā€Æā€Æ

ā€œOur prayer is to have a thriving gospel ministry in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese and a congregation that [works] together to share the gospel,ā€ says Doebler. ā€œWe want a campus that reflects the diversity of our community, like in Revelation 7ā€”a glimpse of what we can anticipate in heaven.ā€ā€Æ