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How do I respond to a family member's gay wedding invite?
The Bible tells us to speak the truth, but to do so in love. These two things go together. Speaking truth without love falls short of what God wants us to do. Having love for someone without speaking the truth sets aside what God has told us to do.
God teaches us that he established marriage as a union of one man and one woman. He also clearly warns against any sexual activity outside of this relationship and identifies it as sinful.
In this particular situation, it would seem you would not want your family member to conclude that you are supportive of, or at least tolerant of, same-sex marriage. As a Christian, you would want to give a clear testimony to what you believe. You would want to “speak the truth” by not attending.
At the same time, you would also want to show love for your family member. It would not be loving simply to decline the invitation and say nothing. Love for your family member would move you to talk to him or her. You could say something like, “I won’t be able to attend the ceremony, and here’s why. It’s not that I don’t love you. Rather, it’s precisely because I love you that I can’t attend. You are doing something that is not in keeping with God’s will, and I am concerned about your spiritual welfare and your soul. I can’t in good conscience do something that would lead you to believe that what you are doing is OK. Please see my decision not to attend for what it is: my desire to speak the truth to someone I love.”
The key is using Christian discernment to seek what’s best for the spiritual interest of your family member yet also gives clear testimony to what you believe, especially if attending the ceremony gives others in attendance the impression that you support your family member’s action.
It’s not always easy, but God calls on us to speak the truth in love.
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