Click "Total Results" at the bottom when done.

1. I like things to be organized and running smoothly.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
2. I find pleasure in drawing, designing, painting, etc.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
3. I find it relatively easy to speak about spiritual matters with other people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
4. I enjoy having someone share his or her personal problems with me so I can help.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
5. I expect big things, even "impossible" things, to be done by God.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
6. I am willing to maintain a lower standard of living in order to support the Lord's work very generously.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
7. I would rather be one who helps than one who leads.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
8. I find pleasure in the repair and maintenance of things.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
9. I enjoy providing food and/or lodging to people who are in need.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
10. I often pray intensely for other people and lose track of time while praying.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
11. I am able to discover new biblical truths for myself.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
12. Given the choice, I would rather be a group leader than simply a member of the group.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
13. Others have told me how helpful I have been to them in a time of distress.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
14. I enjoy singing praises to God either alone or with other people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
15. I am truly concerned when I see a fellow Christian begin to backslide.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
16. I am able to formulate my thoughts and ideas into effective, written form.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
17. I find it easy to clarify people's problems for them and to give them solutions.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
18. I am accomplished at playing a musical instrument.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
19. I am able to help others learn biblical facts and details that aid in the building up of their lives.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
20. Basically I am a structured, disciplined person.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
21. It is a joy for me to create craft items, banners, and other visual worship aids.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
22. I have a real desire to see non-Christians be converted and become responsible disciples of Jesus.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
23. I am able to empathize with those who are having problems.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
24. I see difficulties as opportunities for God to display His glory.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
25. It gives me joy to respond to financial appeals for special offerings.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
26. When a job needs to be done, I am willing to do it if I am able and if I am asked.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
27. Given a choice, I would rather work with my hands than my head.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
28. I enjoy having guests in my home.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
29. I find myself praying for others when I am in the process of doing other things.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
30. People look to me for answers to questions about Bible truths.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
31. I am effective in motivating and teaching others to set objectives and accomplish goals.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
32. I enjoy helping those who seemingly are ignored by most others around them.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
33. I am capable of leading others in singing songs of praise to God.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
34. I am willing to suffer inconvenience or even hostility in attempting to bring a straying Christian back to the fold.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
35. I feel secure in the fact that the words I write will be of benefit to those who read them.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
36. I look at things in a more practical way than a theoretical way.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
37. I would enjoy taking part in a church, school, or local instrumental music presentation.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
38. I find it easy to explain things to people so that they understand.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
39. I am able to set objectives and goals, and make plans to accomplish them.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
40. I enjoy gardening, landscaping, and other such outdoor projects.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
41. People respond favorably when I share my faith with them.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
42. People seem to come to me for counsel and advice and I find that I am able to help them.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
43. I am more likely to say, "It can be done," rather than, "It can't be done."
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
44. I find no satisfaction in keeping records of what I have given.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
45. I get satisfaction out of working well under the leadership of another person.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
46. I enjoy lawn care and other outside maintenance.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
47. I am at ease with guests and/or visitors, and enjoy making them feel welcome and a part of things.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
48. I am confident that through my prayers God works great things in my life and in the lives of other people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
49. I am able to remember well what I have learned.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
50. I enjoy planning work programs and giving directions to others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
51. When I see that someone is hurting, I seek ways to do something to help.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
52. I find joy in singing familiar Gospel songs alone or with groups of fellow Christians.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
53. I have a deep desire to grow in the Lord and to meet regularly with others to help them grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
54. I am able to compose articles and layout newsletters in an efficient, meaningful style.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
55. It seems that people look to me for solutions to problems.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
56. I am interested in utilizing my instrumental musical talents for the appreciation of my friends and to the glory of God.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
57. I am able to organize my thoughts in a logical, systematic way.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
58. I am concerned about budgeting my time wisely.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
59. I enjoy sewing, quilting, knitting, needlepoint, etc., especially when it is helpful and useful to others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
60. I have a desire to learn how to share my faith with others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
61. I am a patient listener.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
62. I find it easy to trust God to provide all of my physical needs.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
63. I enjoy giving, regardless of the response of the one to whom I give.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
64. I find joy in serving in small, behind-the-scenes and sometimes routine matters.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
65. I would rather work with a machine than manage people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
66. I am willing to open my home to guests or strangers and share with them what I have.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
67. When I am asked to pray for others, I feel that my prayers will have tangible results.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
68. I find it relatively easy to memorize and later to recall Bible verses.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
69. I like the responsibility of making decisions.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
70. Helping others in need gives me joy, even if they cannot possibly repay me.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
71. I find much joy and pleasure in the seemingly simple routine of singing hymns and Gospel music.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
72. Other Christians seem able to relate to me and follow my leading.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
73. I find great pleasure in composing and writing stories and articles for the edification of others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
74. When a problem is being discussed at a meeting, etc., a clear resolution will come to my mind.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
75. I find satisfaction in knowing that my ability to perform instrumental music helps others to praise God.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
76. I would enjoy teaching a group of children or adults about the love of Jesus.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
77. I have the ability to organize ideas, things, time, and people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
78. When I work with my hands at various arts and crafts, I derive much joy and satisfaction.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
79. I enjoy getting acquainted and talking with people I've never met before.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
80. I am able to deal with people in a non-judgmental way, yet without condoning godless behavior.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
81. For the most part, I am more excited about the future and what it holds than the past.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
82. When giving, I am not greatly concerned about whether I can afford it.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
83. When someone else does well, partly because I helped him or her, this makes me happy.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
84. I derive satisfaction from building or refurbishing objects for the benefit of others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
85. Strangers, visitors, or guests feel at home when they are with me.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
86. I find great joy in praying for others.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
87. Given a choice, I would just as soon spend an evening with a good book than with people.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
88. I find that others tend to respect the decisions I make.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
89. I would enjoy a regular ministry to the sick and shut-in.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
90. Singing praises to the Lord is one of my favorite spiritual exercises.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
91. I enjoy working with those who are new to Christianity and thrill to see little steps of spiritual progress in their lives.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
92. I know that my literary skill would be of aid to other people, and that they would be built up and informed because of it.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
93. I find that others accept my suggestions as being wise and practical.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
94. Playing a musical instrument, either alone or with other groups of people, gives me pleasure.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all
95. I like to study the Bible and share my findings with other Christians.
Very true Somewhat true Slightly true Not true at all

Some of the material in Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool is taken from Gifted to Serve, by Professor David Valleskey © 1983 Northwestern Publishing House. Adapted and used by permission.