Teen talk: Do you believe this?

Christ, who lived and died and rose again so that we could be in heaven someday, helps us fight through the pain when a loved one dies.

Philip Treptow

ā€œDo you believe this?ā€

Jesus asked Martha this question after Lazarus died and after he shared what is now a well-known Bible passage: ā€œI am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never dieā€ (John 11:25,26). Her response is one of the best expressions of faith in the Bible. ā€œ ā€˜Yes, Lord,ā€™ she replied, ā€˜I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.ā€™ ā€ After this Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Donā€™t we all wish that we could look Jesus in the face and say, ā€œWe do believe,ā€ and then expect him to raise our loved one from the dead? But it doesnā€™t work like that. No matter how much we pray, no matter how much we beg, no matter what we do, they will still be dead. It takes a lot for us to think about our loved ones as being dead. We love them. We want them still to be here for us to give us their advice or just to talk with them once more. We can pray, but everything is not okay.

My mom died when I was in seventh grade. Why isnā€™t my Mom here? Yes, I know that she is in heaven and that she was suffering on earth in her battle with cancer, but that still doesnā€™t help change the fact that my mom is gone and no one can replace her.

Some people say it gets easier as you move on, but they are lying. It never gets easier; it is always a painā€”a stumbling blockā€”in your life. It hurts every time someone jokes about their mom or someone elseā€™s. Motherā€™s Day is hard. One of the hardest things I have learned to do is to hide the fact that these things still hurt and that I do still think about her every day. You figure out pretty fast that the pain never really goes away. You learn to mask the pain.

We think that by praying everything will just magically be perfectly fine. That is not that case. But we still need to rely fully on Christ when we hurt, for he cares for us and he will help us through these times of troubles.

When the doctors told my mom she had colon cancer, they told her she had six months to live. For the next seven years she battled this disease. She fought for six and half more years than what the doctors gave her. This is the greatest blessing I have from my mom. I was able to enjoy that much more time with her.

Jesus compares death to sleep in the Bible. It is hard for us to comprehend the fact that we will fall asleep and when we wake up we will be in heaven with Jesus.

After my mom died, it was very hard to go to school every day knowing that that she wasnā€™t coming back. But my family and I have stayed very faithful in our church attendance, and I truly do believe that this is the sole reason we all have been able to make it through this.

Prayer does help. It may not fix things, but it does help.

Yes, I do believe.

Philip Treptow, a sophomore at Lakeside Lutheran High School, Lake Mills, Wisconsin, is a member at St. Matthew, Janesville, Wisconsin.



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Author: Philip Treptow
Volume 104, Number 4
Issue: April 2017

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