Transformed – teen devotion – July 25, 2021

This series tackles selections from the book of Proverbs that provide godly wisdom in the areas of relationships, discipline, words, anger, and more.

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.
Proverbs 29:25

Audience of One

Whether it’s in a game or on a stage, performing in front of a crowd isn’t for everybody. Some get an energizing adrenaline rush from it. Others will avoid it like a plague. But can you always avoid being the center of attention? Can you avoid people looking at your social media profile? Can you avoid walking down a crowded hall at school? Can you avoid answering a point-blank question in a group of friends? Can you really avoid other people having an opinion about what you said, what you did, and who you are?

The most important question to ask yourself is this, “Am I trying to get everyone in my life to love and approve of me?” Because if you are, you won’t succeed. There will be some who think you’re less than the person standing next to you. There will be others who think you are the worst, even though you’ve done nothing wrong and haven’t sinned against them. We live in a world where the “audience” of our lives will, at times, disapprove of who we are and what we’ve done.

But there is One who will never disapprove of you. There is One who will never be ashamed of you. There is One who lived and died for you. One day because you clung in faith to him, he will say, “well done!” He is your One and only God. He keeps you safe. You never have to be afraid of what God thinks of you. In Christ, he promises to always love you, always forgive you, always approve of you.

So when you are nervous about what you will say, what you will do, or how you will perform in front of others, remember you are only playing to an audience of One. Only God’s opinion of you really matters. God’s approval is the only one you need. And God’s never-ending approval is exactly what you have in Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I know there will be times when people in my life will look down on me. Teach me to know and believe that you always love me and always approve of me. Give me that perspective so I can have confidence and joy serving others and you every day. Amen.

Teen Devotions are brought to you by WELS Discipleship.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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