Transformed – teen devotion – May 3, 2020
We had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place.
Luke 24:21
Confronting monsters: Disappointment
In life, we sometimes face monsters. No, they’re not literal cartoon monsters. Instead, they are areas in our lives that will grow out of control if left unchecked. Over the next month we will take a look at five monsters that we face now and will face into the future.
This week’s monster: Disappointment.
After Jesus died, the disciples had to deal with disappointment. They had thought that things would turn out differently. They expected Jesus to free them from Roman rule. Instead, Jesus was dead. (They didn’t realize that he had already risen). At the moment, the disciples were understandably disappointed. They expected one thing to happen and it didn’t. They thought that Jesus was canceled.
This isn’t how you expected your life to go right now, not even close. Seniors, your graduation—canceled. Athletes, your sports season—canceled. Going to church—canceled. Hanging out with friends—canceled. In some places, even going to a park—canceled! You expected many things to happen in your life, but instead almost all of them are canceled.
Disappointment can be a monster in your life if you leave it unchecked. It will grow and grow, leaving you miserable. It will steal your joy and crush your spirit.
But Jesus won’t let disappointment crush you.
He didn’t let it crush the two disappointed disciples going to Emmaus. He came and walked with them. He came and opened the Bible to them to help them understand what was really going on. He connected the dots so that their hearts began to live again and disappointment disappeared.
Jesus comes to walk with us too. You are not alone as you walk through life. Not only that, but you can be sure that your God is up to something in your life, better than you can even imagine. He is at work in your life and will not leave you alone.
Your graduation may be canceled. Your sports season may be canceled. Much in your life may be canceled right now. And that is disappointing. But God is not canceled.
To crush the monster of disappointment, focus on the things that are not canceled. The presence of your risen Savior in your life—NOT canceled. God’s rule over your life—NOT canceled. God’s plan for your life—NOT canceled. The forgiveness of your sins—NOT canceled. God is NOT canceled, but all that crushes you is.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for walking with me in my disappointment. Do not let it crush me. There is much that is canceled, but your Easter resurrection proves you are not canceled. Replace my disappointment with joy. Amen.