2025 Taste of Missions school challenge and poster contest

The 2025 Taste of Missions School Challenge is now open! This year brings two different opportunities for students of all ages to learn about WELS mission work:

School challenge for grades K-8

All Lutheran grade schools are invited to participate in our annualā€ÆTaste of Missions School Challenge! Visit tasteofmissions.com/schools to view Missions-themed activities that grade school teachers can use to help students in their classroom explore the world of WELS Home and World Missions while participating in our annual event, Taste of Missions. Participation is easy and flexibleā€” classrooms can use as many activities as theyā€™d like from the 10 provided ā€œchallengesā€, including learning about different mission fields, watching videos, praying for mission work, and playing fun, mission-themed games.

Two classrooms (one K-4 and one 5-8) will be randomly selected to win aĀ Taste of Missions partyfor their classroom, tickets to the event, and additional surprises. Be sure to fill out the submission form byĀ April 16, 2025, to be entered to win. Inspire your students with the joy of spreading the gospel through this exciting challenge!

High school poster contest

Calling all WELS and ELS high school artists! Express your creativity and learn about WELS mission work in the annual Taste of Missions Poster Contest. Craft an 11ā€ x 17ā€ masterpiece capturing the heart of either WELS Home or World Missions. Submit byĀ April 25, 2025, and your art could be showcased at the Taste of Missions event on June 14, 2025, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wis. Two overall winners (one from Home Missions and one from World Missions) will receive a $250 Amazon gift card, Taste of Missions swag bag, and their artwork will be prominently featured at the event and in the event program. All other submissions will be eligible to be voted ā€œfan favoriteā€ by attendees at Taste of Missions for another chance to win.

Digital or mailed/dropped off submissions are accepted. Find official rules and specifications as well as submission information at tasteofmissions.com/postercontest. Join a meaningful cause through your art!