Resolve to help the hurting

Dear Friend,

How are your New Yearā€™s resolutions going? Are you getting more exercise? Have you lost any weight? Did you pick up that guitar again? Are you drinking less?

Iā€™ve never been big on making New Yearā€™s resolutions. Itā€™s just not my thing. However, I can think of one resolution that would be worthwhile. Iā€™d like to do more to help people in need. You too?

We find a great model to imitate in Christian brothers and sisters who lived 2,000 years ago. ā€œAll the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had needā€ (Acts 2:44-45).

The Holy Spirit blessed the members of the early church with a wondrous unity. They were always together worshiping the Lord, studying his Word, and enjoying one anotherā€™s company. This encouraging, Christ-centered atmosphere led to godly action: They used their resources to help people. They fed the hungry and clothed the naked. They visited prisoners and cared for widows and orphans. They resolved to help anyone who was in need.

What moved them to do this? Luke tells us that ā€œJesus resolutely set out for Jerusalemā€ (9:51). Jesus made a resolution. He resolved to go to the cross for us. He shed his blood to save the world. It is this incredible act of love and compassion that moves believersā€”early Christians and usā€”to show compassion to people in need. We do this to thank Jesus for his love and compassion.

How do we do this? There are many ways, but Iā€™d like to suggest one way that you can help our brothers and sisters in WELS who experience times of crisis and need. May I suggest a gift to WELS Christian Aid and Relief (general fund)?

Every year we respond to dozens of requests from our congregations to help them assist their members in need. In each case, this is a crisis that goes beyond the ability of the congregation to handle alone. It might be a child who needs expensive surgery thatā€™s not covered by insurance or an elderly couple who needs a new roof that they cannot afford. Or it could be someone like Lina who received a grant to help with the purchase of a desperately needed car.

Pastor Steve Mueller describes the impact of your generosity on Lina and her family: ā€œSeeing the love shown by you, their fellow Christians whom they have never met, has encouraged them and has helped to take away a burden of anxiety that threatened to overwhelm them.ā€

New Yearā€™s resolutions may help you to lose a few pounds or finally take up that hobby, but resolving to help those in need can be a life-changer for someone who is struggling.

Would you please resolve today to make a donation to fund personal relief grants? In this way, you can help your brothers and sisters who are in need as you give thanks to the One who resolved to save you.

In Christ, our compassionate Savior,
Pastor Dan Sims
Director, WELS Christian Aid and Relief

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you met our greatest need when you saved us from sin and death with your precious blood and restored our relationship with you. Trusting in you we can focus on helping others, like you have helped us. Bless WELS Christian Aid and Relief as they support people through humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and personal relief grants. Help us see the opportunities you provide to love and support our neighbors and, in doing so, point people to you. Amen.