Taking anxiety medication

I was recently diagnosed with a general anxiety disorder. My doctor says I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and prescribed anxiety drugs, but so far I have refused to take them. I feel that my faith is very weak for giving into these fears and anxieties. What does God say about the use of these drugs?

God’s Word does not speak directly to the topic of taking medication to alleviate anxiety. What it does do, however, is speak in terms of “principles” that guide in making such decisions about medication. Applicable principles would be to love God (Matthew 22:37-38) and to love others (Matthew 22:39). If your anxiety interferes with your ability to demonstrate love for God and for others it is commendable to find a solution.

We are also to be mindful that we are stewards over our own bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19) so you would want to only do things that help and not hurt your body. As such we are to care for our bodies, which requires eating the right foods, drinking the right fluids, and even taking the right medicines.

While we might be tempted to think that by taking medicine we are failing to exercise trust in God, there is a different way to look at it. One of your greatest blessings is God’s gift of life. It is a blessing entrusted to each of us to care for in a manner that glorifies God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Sometimes such care is as benign as bandaging a small physical wound, dressing warmly on a cool day, or walking in the fresh air and sunlight. Sometimes being a good steward of our bodies involves consenting to major surgery or taking medication to help us heal and feel better.

In a world of sin there is no avoiding its consequences. Bodies are imperfect. They are frail and vulnerable. In our imperfection we provide the best care we can. We never do this apart from God’s providence. We trust in his promise to work all things for our good. We trust that the effectiveness of our actions is still subject to God’s will for our lives.

So, on the one hand you repair wounds and take medicine as a responsible steward of God’s blessing of life. On the other hand, you do such things trusting in his love, his promises, and his providence.

Finally, always desire to grow in faith but never forget to celebrate the faith that you already have. Your faith has you turning to fellow Christians via this Web site to seek out God’s counsel and direction. For now God’s response to your concerns is not what you expected or wanted, but you know he is the one who has the answers. Even if, for a time, you must suffer, lean on your faith which instructs you that there is a purpose, even in the hardship (2 Corinthians 12:7-10).

Taking anti-anxiety medication is one way you care for your body. Celebrate God’s blessing of medicine that assists you in this act of stewardship and service to him and rejoice in your faith, which holds you in his arms.