Souls between death and judgment day

While you're in heaven as a spirit and without a body, will you be able to communicate with other spirits if we have no body? Will our thoughts just travel from one spirit to another without talking?

The Bible provides little specific information regarding what souls in heaven or hell are experiencing prior to the last day. The big picture, of course, is that the souls of Christians are experiencing the joys and perfection of heaven, while the souls of unbelievers are experiencing the horror, pain and punishment of hell.

The account of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) describes the soul of the rich man in hell seeing, speaking and feeling pain. One of the apostle John’s visions (Revelation 6:9-11) describes the souls of believers in heaven speaking to the Lord.

The Bible’s emphasis is on judgment day and following—when everyone, body and soul, will experience either eternal joys through Christian faith or eternal sorrows through unbelief (Mark 16:16).