Royal priesthood and public ministry

I understand that women are not supposed to educate men in the Word, only women and youth. I also understand that God wants us to spread his word to all people. If my male friend has asked me, a female, to explain our Christian beliefs and educate him on it, it feels like this is a good thing to do, but hypothetically, where is that line drawn? Say it was two male friends, three or four, that would seem to go against the teaching that women are not to educate men. I hope this made sense. Thanks.

As I understand your situation, you are trying to explain the Christian faith to others. In that regard, you are exercising your privilege and responsibility as a priest of God (1 Peter 2:9) to declare God’s praises to others. Your personal testimony to others is different from formal, authoritative teaching in the public ministry (1 Timothy 2).

Because Scripture provides us with a good deal of Christian freedom, you could probably benefit by talking to your pastor about this. By all means, do contact him if you still have concerns and questions. God bless you.