Law and gospel

How do you reconcile John 10:27-29 with Luke 8:11-15?

In John 10:27-29, Jesus comforts his followers by assuring them that they are safe and secure in his hands. In Luke 8:11-15, Jesus explains that people can fall from faith (v. 13).

The sections of Scripture you cited illustrate how God’s law warns (Luke 8:13) and God’s gospel comforts (John 10:27-29). Because Christians have a sinful nature and a new self, there is reason to hear and pay attention to both messages. If we become complacent in our spiritual lives, there is reason to listen to God’s warning about falling from faith. If we are fearful about the future, there is reason to listen to God’s comforting message of his powerful love.

As far as “reconciling” the message of the law and gospel, Scripture teaches that these doctrines are different but not contradictory. Above all, the law shows our need for a Savior, and the gospel shows us the Savior we have in Jesus Christ.