God’s allowance of evil to take place

Why does God allow bad things to keep happening when you are asking for help?

I cannot pretend to speak for God as to why, in your life specifically, events are taking place. What I can in a general way is that God deals with his children out of love. He does not punish Christians for their sins; he has already punished Jesus in our place (Romans 4:25; 8:1).

When it comes to prayer, God promises to hear and answer our prayers (Psalm 34:15). Even when God’s answers to our prayers are not what we have in mind, we can be comforted that God’s answers are always for our best (2 Corinthians 12:1-10).

God’s thoughts and ways are different and better than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). His wisdom far surpasses ours (Romans 11:33-36). He is the one in whom we want to place our trust in all of life (Psalm 46). That trust is never misplaced (Psalm 25:3).

A recent Light for our Path column addressed the subject matter of God allowing bad things to happen in life. This link will take you to that column. God bless you.