Comfort in time of loss

Our young adult daughter was recently taken to her glory in heaven after extreme suffering. What is it like for her now? Is she with loved ones? We miss her so terribly. When will our tears stop? We pray for peace.

Please accept my sympathy at the death of your daughter. Death was never part of God’s design for his perfect creation. Death is “the wages of sin” (Romans 6:23).

What you and I are grateful for is that Jesus Christ has conquered death and that he has made death the means by which Christians enter the presence of God in heaven.

You are viewing your daughter’s present circumstances correctly when you speak of her enjoying the glory of heaven (Psalm 73:24). We long for what she is experiencing. Her soul is with the souls of all those who confessed Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, as Savior in this life. She will be among those who accompany the Lord when he returns visibly to this world on the Last Day (1 Thessalonians 4:14).

Your tears, like mine at the death of a loved one, result when we think of our own lives and the temporary changes that have taken place. We can balance that emotion of sorrow with joy when we think of the glory and perfection that our loved ones are experiencing in the presence of God. Jesus promises to take care of your tears (Matthew 5:4; Revelation 7:17; 21:4).

The Lord provides comfort and strength for you and your family through the gospel in word and sacrament. I encourage you to feed your soul richly with the word of God. Be a frequent guest at the Lord’s Supper. Through the gospel, God strengthens our faith and fortifies us for Christian living.

To help deal with your grief, perhaps there is a support group at your church you could consider attending. Certainly, seek out the counsel of your pastor.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you” (2 Thessalonians 3:16).