Saturday, September 7 | 10 a.m.
The year of 2024 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s first hymn book “Achtliederbuch.” In this hymn sing will look at three of the hymns that are still used in Lutheran hymnals today and are found inĀ Christian WorshipĀ (CW21). We will also look at other hymns from the early years of the Reformation that have been includedĀ in CW21.
The presenter is Carl Nolte, the retired Sacred Music and Worship Editor from Northwestern Publishing House. He served for a number of years on the WELS Commission on Worship, including the 1993 hymnal committee. He is a graduate of DMLC, New Ulm, MN, and also has a masters in church music degree from Concordia, River Forest, IL.
Location:Ā Salem Landmark Church and WELS Museum, 6814 N 107th Street, Milwaukee, Wis.