Sleeping – November 29, 2024
[Jesus said] “If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.”
Mark 13:36
Devotion based on Mark 13:36
See series: Devotions
Jay Leno is one of the most successful comedians of all time. When he was first starting, however, his finances were tight. To save money he would find various places to sleep at night. When he could not stay at a friend’s place or in some back room of a comedy club, he would sometimes find a home for sale that was having an Open House, greet the realtor and look through the house. Then, when the realtor was elsewhere, Leno would loudly say, “I’m going now. Goodbye!” Heād slam the door, then hide in a closet until the realtor left for the day. He got by with this ruse until one realtor came early the next morning and found him asleep in a bedroom. Beet red with embarrassment, he ran out as fast as he could.
To be asleep in a highly inappropriate place or at a highly inappropriate time is the kind of cringe-worthy moment the Lord Jesus uses to focus our attention on our relationship with him. More than anyone, Jesus knows that, in this broken world full of temptations and distractions, all kinds of things can make us spiritually sleepyāinattentive and careless.
This is dangerous because, little by little, the distractions and temptations of this world can ease us into no longer fixing our eyes on Jesus. Instead, we allow our sleepy eyes to fill with other imagesāour work, hobbies, social life, popularity, recreation, children, grandchildren, retirement plan, and health. Please understand that these are all wonderful blessings from God. But when any one of these displaces our focus on our only Savior, then we have fallen asleep, and we are in a dark and lethal place.
Thank the Lord that he pursues us. In love, he rouses us from our slumber, calls us to repentance, and refreshes us in sweet assurance of his full forgiveness purchased at Calvaryās cross. And it is that very refreshment of forgiveness that empowers us to be alert once again.
Lord Jesus, when I grow sleepy, awaken me. In your gospel, refresh me once again. Amen.
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