Congregations generously support the synod

By the gracious working of the Holy Spirit, God’s people remitted $22.68 million in Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) during 2021, which is 4.3 percent ($938,000) more than 2020 CMO and 4.9 percent ($1,059,000) higher than projected receipts. According to Chief Financial Officer Mr. Kyle Egan, “Calendar year 2021 CMO is the second straight year in which the synod has reached a new record level of CMO and the first calendar year where CMO exceeded $22 million.”

As part of financial planning for 2022, 98 percent of congregations submitted CMO subscriptions leading to a total of $22,450,000 in 2022 CMO subscriptions. Already in January offerings are exceeding expectations. Churches gave $1.43 million, which is 21.9 percent ($256,000) more than in January 2021 and the highest level of CMO for the month of January on record.

Rev. Kurt Lueneburg, WELS director of Christian Giving, says, “This is amazing given the record amount of 2021 CMO that God’s people gave. Let us thank the Lord for continuing to bless our synod through his people’s generous gifts!”

For an engaging summary of how WELS uses congregational offerings to carry out Christ’s work in missions and ministerial education and to support our churches and schools, review WELS annual report, titled “Your Gifts, God’s Blessings,” at