Regular use of the Nicene Creed

Since going to every Sunday Communion we always say the Nicene Creed. I miss saying the Apostles' Creed at least two or three times a month. Is it possible to have a Communion service and use the Apostles' Creed? I feel like our worship is getting mundane and it saddens me.

It is possible, as the development and usage of the creeds are a matter of Christian freedom. At the same time, Christians have historically—for centuries—used the Nicene Creed in Holy Communion services. There is something to be said about worship practices that tie us to Christians throughout the ages.

Your question is one that you could certainly direct to your pastor and worship committee. Their rightful concern is that the worship of the congregation be vibrant and engaging and not mundane. That concern can manifest itself even in this regard: in explaining and educating congregational members on the liturgies we use week after week. God bless your worship of him!