Involvement in Scouting

If my sons are in Boy Scouts and we are also members of WELS, will we be excommunicated?

Excommunication is the church’s solemn declaration that a person has put himself or herself “outside the communion” or fellowship of believers by an impenitent attitude that leaves no room for saving faith (Matthew 18:15-20).

Rather than asking the question you did (which presumes remaining in the organization and not leaving it after understanding the problems), I would suggest asking these questions:  “How can I best bring up my children ‘in the training and instruction of the Lord’?”  (Ephesians 6:4)  “How can I best teach my children to confess that Jesus Christ is ‘the way and the truth and the life’ and that ‘no one comes to the Father except through [him]’?”  (John 14:6)  “How can I best teach my children that only Christians can do things that are pleasing to God?” (Romans 14:23)

I would encourage you to discuss these and other questions with your pastor.  Such a conversation will reveal the inconsistent and contradictory witness of Jesus Christ that results from membership in a Christian congregation and any organization that teaches people can do their duty to God regardless of how they define God and what religion they call their own.  God bless that conversation!